The Reiger Begonias

Early Stock: A Vibrant Counterpoint to White

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Stock Vintage Mix has thick flowers

Beautiful Stock flowers provide a vibrant counterpoint to Alyssum, Lobularia, and the many white offerings on the menu for early spring. Though some consider Stock old-fashioned we think these blooms are timeless, with a spicy-sweet fragrance and a range of bright colors that shake up what can be a stark cool weather landscape. This is a plant to keep in the design toolbox—it blooms specifically when temps are lower than the mid 60s and can even tolerate a light frost.

Our new Vintage Mix includes Copper, Lilac, Red, White, Burgundy, Lavender, Peach, Rose, and Yellow. This is a dwarf series that remains compact and low. Plants grow to around 15–20 inches, with an abundance of double flowers on sturdy, upright stems.  

Stock is easy to grow. It thrives in full sun but can handle light shade, and prefers soil that is moist to slightly dry. In addition to beds and borders, Vintage Mix is a nice size for a window box—which would also get it up close for frequent whiffs of the fragrant flowers. These blooms are popular for cutting to create aromatic indoor arrangements.

Vintage Mix is available in the 6-inch pot.

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A good choice for vibrant early spring baskets