
Red Castor Bean

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Brilliant red seedpods set Red Castor Bean apart

Many people know about the Castor Bean, but most people don’t know about the Red Castor Bean. It is different from its standard cousin in two ways. First, the spiky seedpods are brilliant red; as the plant matures, it raises those seedpods outside the leaves on bright red stems where they are highly visible. Second, this plant has bronze leaves that are about the size of dinner plates and as dark as Cocktail Begonias.

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Seedpods on bright red stems are raised outside large, dark bronze leaves

Red Castor Bean grows over your head but it doesn’t top out as high as the standard Castor Bean. Both varieties definitely require full sun and plenty of overhead room. If you’re thinking of interplanting Red Castor Bean, we recommend Canna and Hibiscus. Fun Fact: Back in the beginning, Castrol motor oil was made from the oil of the Castor Bean. Castrol still manufactures its original formula for use on vintage machines.