
Two Hot Plants

CEL Dragons Breath with Vinca
Companion plantings bring out the drama in Celosia ‘Dragon’s Breath’

A dramatic plant like Celosia ‘Dragon’s Breath’ always looks better when surrounded by companion plantings—the addition covers the soil, makes the Celosia look less lonely, and fills out the garden. One logical choice of companion would be Vinca ‘Titan Punch’, since it shares the same hot red as the plumes of ‘Dragon’s Breath’ and likes the same soil, sun, and water. Both have that vibrant magenta that stands out in the green crowd. If you need a third level of color, we recommend Ipomoea ‘Spotlight Lime’ (peeking in the upper left corner) as a counterweight to the small dark Vinca greens. It’s a short-growing vine, so the Spotlights stay close to their plantings.