
Nasturtium Alaska Mix

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Highly variegated leaves and an array of warm flower colors

Among the best of the Nasturtium varieties is an open-pollinated heirloom called Alaska Mix, noted as much for its highly variegated leaves as for its array of warm flower colors. This is a compact Nasturtium, meaning the plant tends to bulk up rather than trail. We like this behavior in a Nasturtium because it makes a lusher plant in the garden and in the pot.

Nasturtium’s famously peppery taste comes from an oil very similar to the one found in watercress. While the blossoms make a colorful garnish for pasta with cream sauce, the leaves can be mixed with Basil to make a spicy summer pesto. Both leaves and flowers can be tossed in a salad, and we can even use them in place of mustard on sandwiches. For this reason we find that Nasturtiums can be retailed with the herbs or vegetables as well as with the flowers.

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Alaska Mix tends to bush up as well as trail out

Consider Alaska Mix for a big shock of color front and center in your retail display or commercial account. Its fast-growing nature quickly delivers nice hanging baskets, window boxes or a casual groundcover in the front garden bed. This variety grows loosely, so any tall plant with a strong stem grows easily among it. Alaska Mix is even a good choice for simply covering up some rough ground. You can set the plants out earlier than Petunias or Calibrachoa, at about the same time as Nemesia. Grow them in either full sun or part sun/part shade.

Nasturtium has a long history, dating back to the Incas who grew it as a salad crop. Our modern version was popularized in 17th-century Europe, and the dwarf types were widely grown in the 1800s. Claude Monet had some in his famous gardens, and Victorians used them in their vases and table arrangements. During World War II, Nasturtium seeds were actually ground up as a substitute for pepper. Technically, Nasturtium can be considered a spring ornamental because it’s edible—just like Cabbage and Kale are fall ornamentals.

We sell Nasturtium Alaska Mix in the 1203 flat.