The Reiger Begonias

Graffiti Pentas

Penta Graffiti Violet

A little known plant that’s getting more and more attention these days is pentas. You might not be familiar with it, and if you are you might know it as Egyptian starflower or starcluster. This African native is gaining in popularity largely because it produces beautiful star-shaped flowers all season and thrives in extremely hot, dry climates—like ours here in Cincinnati in the high summer.

While pentas has always had a reputation for withstanding heat and drought, improved genetics has led to better flower performance among newer cultivars. Flower heads are larger, and better varieties, like the Graffiti series we’re offering, put forth continuous blooms all season—no deadheading required. Uniformity of habit and bloom time can also be attributed to the hybrid genetics of this series.

Penta Graffiti Red Lace

Strong garden performance is coupled with unique vibrant colors here. Look at the large, bright clusters of flowers—notice the contrast of the shiny, dark green leaves against the vivid blooms. Red Lace is the most dramatic color in the series: intense scarlet red flowers have gleaming white stigmas. It looks like the plants have been draped with delicate crocheted lace.

In addition to their brilliant colors, these plants are known for producing an abundance of nectar. They attract butterflies and hummingbirds to the landscape, adding that extra dimension of movement to a garden design. Hummingbirds are especially drawn to the red flowers over the white or violet selections. It’s not because the red blooms are so dramatic—they simply put forth the most nectar.

Penta Graffiti White

Graffiti pentas is a sun and heat lover. It performs well in sun to part shade, and when planted later in spring. Compact plants grow 12–15 inches tall and about a foot wide.  

We like to use pentas in a raised landscape bed, creating patterns with multiple colors. It combines well with other plants, especially Serena or Serenita angelonia, Zahara zinnia, lantana, and ornamental grasses, like pennisetum rubrum. We also like it as either filler or a thriller in mixed containers.

‘Graffiti Violet’ is available in the 8-inch terra cotta pot. ‘Graffiti Red Lace’ and ‘Graffiti White’ are available in the flat 1801 landscape tray.