The Reiger Begonias

Tuberous Begonias

Tuberous begoniasTuberous begonias are the ones with big showy flowers most often seen in containers. The name is begonia, but this is an entirely different plant than the wax begonia that is popular with so many people. It is the designer’s choice for three reasons: 1) Plants have big showy blooms; 2) They grow in the shade; 3) They drape well along the rims of large containers.

We like to grow the On Top series of tuberous begonias from Proven Winners. They feature extremely clean colors with edges of deep, rich tints. The On Top series is noted for its floriferous nature, so you’ll get masses of sophisticated color when you bunch these varieties together. The flower itself opens up with layers of petals that are rose-like in appearance.

Tuberous begonias end their season when the summer heat kicks into high gear. Another reason we prefer On Tops is because their blooms last longer into late spring and early summer than the other series we’ve grown. Landscapers will be happy to know this series does not require deadheading.

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‘Pink Halo’

Large blooms and general flower power mean these plants can fill vast spaces found in big containers like whiskey barrels or oversized baskets. Their brilliant color is very easy to see from a distance. Plants grow low and around—not high—so place them along the edges and fill in with a lighter selection, like lobelia or euphoria, to connect everything together.

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‘Sunset Shades’

Tuberous begonias thrive in containers because of the climate. Containers usually provide moderate moisture and adequate drainage, plus the soil dries out between waterings—just the ticket. Overcrowding can be a problem—jamming plants in will trap stagnant air around the leaves and blooms, encouraging the growth of mildew.

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‘Pink Halo’

In a garden bed, a low mass of tuberous begonias is effective wherever you want to draw attention. Place plants around the bed of an ornamental tree, on the corner of a house, or in a highly visible—but shady—spot on the property.

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‘Sunset Shades’

We offer our favorite cultivars, ‘Sunset Shades’ and ‘Pink Halo’, in 4.5-inch pots:

  • ‘Sunset Shades’ has yellow petals with deep edges of orange.
  • ‘Pink Halo’ has clean white petals with deep edges of soft pink.