The Reiger Begonias

Better Poinsettia Tags

BetterPoint00We’ve designed a better poinsettia tag for our crops this year, and we think you’ll be pleased with the results. Our new tags feature three distinctive holiday designs on the front and explain why a better plant makes a better holiday gift.

Until now, the poinsettia tag has been treated as a necessary evil, stuck down in the soil in the back of the pot so no one could see it. Buried on the back of that lonely lost tag were the care instructions.

It’s been an embarrassment when it could have been an asset.


Enter our new decor tag—it’s not a plant tag, it’s part of the holiday motif. This tag hangs and feels like an ornament on the plant—proudly displayed and just waiting to be seen. You’ll find that it adds an extra festive touch to the poinsettia while catching the customer’s eye.


That attention is a good thing, because the care information is still on the back; however, on this tag the instructions are up high and easy to read. We’ve taken advantage of the larger tag and included detailed plant care tips as well—we didn’t have to skimp on advice.


A beautiful accent that hangs like an ornament. Detailed care instructions that are easily accessible. This is what a poinsettia tag was always meant to be.


We are shipping the new tags on all of our 6-inch poinsettia crops and larger. Let us know what your experiences are with them—we would love to hear some feedback from the field.