
Holiday Air Freshener

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Enjoy the Christmas aroma of freshly cut greens from Central Ohio firs

That little tree dangling from your rearview mirror has a nice fresh scent—it’s a classic but it pales in comparison to the real thing. At Diefenbacher the air is full of authentic holiday fragrance: our evergreens are freshly cut from Central Ohio firs so they’re genuinely aromatic and can be used for both indoor and outdoor displays. 

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Move wreaths indoors for fragrant holiday decorations

Believe it or not, we saw someone on the Internet making a wreath out of those flat little iconic car fresheners, proving that if you think outside the box you can raise the ordinary to another level. Take that for inspiration and get creative with holiday décor this year—here are some ideas for using fresh evergreen wreaths and roping:

Make a grand gesture by hanging three wreaths down the front of a door instead of just one. Connect the separate elements with a wide swath of ribbon straight down the center behind them.

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Create a unique centerpiece with a wreath underneath

Move the wreath away from the door or entryway—bring it inside and set it in the center of the dining table. Place a large bowl in the middle filled with pinecones or other seasonal treasures for a centerpiece that’s a natural scent diffuser and conversation starter.

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Use roping to make a heart on the side of a barn

While you’re at it, move the roping away from the stairway railing and use it to make a heart or Christmas tree shape on a door, gate, or side of a barn. Turn some heads by hanging wreaths from the stairway railing for a change.

Trendy chalkboard menu boards with fancy fonts look extra festive when framed by plush evergreen roping decked out with lights or shiny orbs.  

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Ohio handmade wreaths measure 24–28 inches

Remember that our wreaths are handmade in Ohio and measure 24–28 inches. Each one is a full bushy mix of holiday greens trimmed with special embellishments.

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Roping comes in convenient 25-foot lengths

Our lush white pine roping is tightly bound. It comes in 25-foot lengths.

You can count on all of our wreaths and roping to be very fresh and very fragrant. They’ll carry on into January—outlasting several changes of the esteemed dashboard deodorizer.