Spring 2015


Transition Color from Summer into Fall

FN 1.4 RUD TigerEye Gold 0001
Rudbeckia ‘TigerEye™ Gold’

As you refresh summer displays, take into consideration the colors you choose because fall is right around the corner. Shades of gold, orange, red, and purple transition easily from one season into the next so use them wherever you can. A little forethought now means a design can quickly be updated with some strategically placed mums and autumn accents later. 


Summer Design with Ornamental Peppers

FN 1.3 CAP Sangria 0004
Colorful peppers look like strings of holiday lights

Did you ever get one of those pliers in your Christmas stocking that’s also a screwdriver, a can opener, and a fork? Ornamental peppers are kind of like that. Their assorted shapes add texture and character to a design as well as color, and sometimes we can even eat them.


Vinca Mediterranean XP Series

 FN 1.5 VIN Mediterranean Red XP 0004
Larger blooms than other varieties

Keep looking…there’s a basket under there somewhere. Our Mediterranean XP vincas offer larger flowers and an elegant trailing habit for beautiful color-filled baskets with minimal effort. ‘Mediterranean XP Red’ and ‘XP Hot Rose’ keep blooming well on into the fall, too—and a nice long season of color means great value for your design dollar. 


Freshen Up

 FN 2.7 COM Cottage Garden Bowl 0011
Breathe new life into displays

Summer is in full swing and the weather is hot—it’s not fit for man or plant. Around this time we often need to breathe new life into some of our commercial displays, freshening landscape beds and patching holes that have popped up here and there. Planters and hanging baskets usually need a bit of a face-lift at this point, too, so remember to swap in some more heat-friendly material to keep them looking shipshape.


Design with ‘Fireworks’

FN 1.4 GOM Fireworks 0005

In addition to ‘Sugared Plum’ that we discussed last week we have another unique gomphrena: ‘Fireworks’. We’ve mentioned this intriguing plant in the past but since today is Independence Day it seems only appropriate to talk a little more about it.